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Miner's Lunacy is an independent Game Jam game under the theme of 'Endless Night'.

You are stuck in an abandoned mine and need to repair the elevator to escape. However in the darkness you slowely go insane, while insane a monster hunts you down.


Level Design (Hard Mine section)
System Design (Monster/Visions)


- General UE5 workflow.

- Niagara Particle Systems.

- Pawn Sensing (visions).

- Optimization of levels.





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Monster Logic


The main idea behind the monster was that it only hunts you when you are going insane. Therefore the logic for the monster was constructed to stay close to you, but not always hunt you. This is to create moments where the player catches a glimps from the monster (alongside visions that can spawn around the player) and they know it is still nearby.



The picture above shows how the monster logic was implemented in behavior trees. The first thing the monster needs to know is if the player is insane or not. If they are not insane it will get a point far enough away from the player (also with a shorter path length so it doesn't cross paths with the player). If the player is insane the monster will attempt to get into melee range with the player, when in melee range the monster will kill the player.



The image above here shows the behavior in action. You can see that the monster is nearby and when I move the player closer the monster will move away (but stay nearby). Once the player goes insane at the end of the GIF the monster will approach and kill the player.

Hard Mines Level


The mines of the game are divided into 3 sections: Easy, Medium and Hard. The section I was responsible for was the Hard section. To make a section that would be more difficult to navigate the most important thing was to create a lot of different paths for the player to take. To do this I used the T-section piece to give the player a lot of options of places to go. You need to at least take 4 correct directions in order to get to the elevator piece (the Yellow Circle) in this level, which means player will often get lost slightly. To combat getting lost different landmarks have been added like a derailed minecart or a TNT station.

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